Mike Sword Driver Training - Polmont Falkirk Driving School Instructor
Driving School in Falkirk
Driving classes in Grangemouth High School

Comments from local schools


I have been providing accident prevention classes to 5th year pupils at Grangemouth High School as part of their Personal & Social Education development.

These classes are fun and interactive.   A PowerPoint presentation is used to help emphasise to pupils our human responsibilities and fallibilities when driving.

The response from pupils and teachers has been very positive and it is hoped to expand the programme to other schools in due course.

I reciprocate my thanks To Amanda Campbell and all staff for their support of this programme.

The classes have since been successfully delivered at DENNY HIGH SCHOOL and ST MUNGO'S HIGH SCHOOL, and will continue to be delivered to all 3 schools.

Should you be interested in the classes being delivered to your school, please click here.

Driving classes in Grangemouth High School
 Driver training website 
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